Emergency Plans

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In the event of an emergency situation, the Guardian Angel Daycare has outlined the below response plan.  Please know that we will make every attempt to notify you so it is vital that you keep your emergency contact information up-to-date.  Bookmark this page so that you will know how to contact us in event of an emergency.


  • If the emergency is confined to the immediate area at the Day Care, e.g. water main break and the children cannot stay on the premises, the children will be taken across the street to the First Christian Church, located at 205 N. Folger St. Carrollton MO.  The children and staff will remain at this location while you or your emergency contact person is notified of the situation.
  • If the emergency is more wide spread and encompasses a larger area of the neighborhood due to an event such as an environmental threat or a bomb threat, the children will need to be removed from the immediate area.  In such a case they will be transported to the Carrollton Elementary/Middle School, located at 207 E. 9th street in Carrollton MO.  The children and staff will remain at this location while you or your emergency contact person is notified of the situation.
Emergency Care
In the event that a child, or all children are in need of a physical exam or emergency care, the child or children will be transported to Carroll County Memorial Hospital, located at 1502 N. Jefferson, Carrollton where they will be examined by a physician and you will be notified.


  • Every effort will be made to contact you as soon as the children and staff are safe.  If we cannot reach you, we will contact your alternate emergency contact. Children will only be released to you or your alternate emergency contact during times of emergency.
  • Information about the event can be obtained through our local radio station, KMZU and WDAF Fox 4 television station.

Please be rest assured that the Day Care staff will remain with, and care for, the children at all times during an emergency to ensure the children's safety.  As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.